3 Chocolate Gifts For Aries Season

If you've been feeling a rush of fiery energy and self confidence, you can thank Aries season for that! As we shift out of dreamy, romantic Pisces, Aries brings forth a more driven, decisive attitude and passionate aggression. If you have an Aries in your life, read on for the best gifts to give this enthusiastic star child! 



Treasures of Burgundy: Cheese, Honey and Chocolate Pairing Gift Box

If you're looking to really make an impact with your Aries gift giving, the Treasures of Burgundy Pairing Gift Box is the perfect choice. Complete with everything your recipient will need to taste, indulge and entertain, the Treasure of Burgundy Giftbox also features our prized Olio d'Oliva Truffle. This olive based chocolate truffle is perfect for Aries because those born under the Ram can benefit from potassium rich foods like olives, walnuts and figs.

Ritual Collection for New Beginnings

Aries babes love a new beginning. Any chance to refresh, renew, and restart the day is an opportunity for this star sign to get a head start at life. Our New Beginnings Chocolate Ritual will aid your Aries recipient in the practice of mindfulness while manifesting their intentions for  anew, prosperous and positive beginning. 


Exotic Truffle Collection

Aries is the original and an adventurer, so what gift could better encapsulate the spirt of this sign that the Exotic Truffle Collection. This collection is our very first truffle collection and represents our founder's travels all around the world. Give your Aries pal the gift of Traveling thee World Through Chocolate. 


Happy Aries Season!